Alongside this web site I’ve produced some paper leaflets about ‘initiatives’ borne out of time spent woodworking and living in Wellington. The titles of the leaflets are:
If you are interested in reading these please email me your postal address. I’ll be delighted to send them to you.
Otherwise perhaps pick them up from the studio, or look out for them in sympathetic places such as Unity Books on Willis St.
Basically I like to help where I can. I was amused to read the stars in the Dom Post at Midnight Espresso on the first of March 2011, which said:
" Use your skills and knowledge to help others and you will secure a position that will reward you handsomely. (Liking that.) It is how you go about doing things that will make a difference to your future."
In most instances the more lead in time there is to identify and understand customers’ needs, allocate resources and apply specialist skills to meet them, the better the end result.
Please look at the examples and pricing sections of wellingtonwoodworks.com then communicate any inkling of possible requirements at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
Alexander Douglas Wright. 26th March 2011.
By the way, I listen to a fair bit of National Radio, skip read the Guardian Weekly (despite its lack of horoscopes) and attend Film Society screenings for research and development purposes.
My ‘unorthodox boss ’ resume is available here.
"Original, innovative, honest, considered, accommodating, responsive, careful, committed, accurate, affable, craftsman.
From my experience of Alexander’s woodcraft and design services these words come to mind in describing his work attitude and ethic."
Simon Paquier of Brooklyn.
... more
"...She was slightly dubious but took them anyway. I bumped into her at a café some time later and she told me the girls loved playing with their blocks – they had become their favourite toys."
Kerryn Pollock of Berhampore.
"Alex’s sense of community informs his approach to work.
His focus on cooperation brings people together."
Tom Grinstead of Kilbirnie 'Heights.'
The information accessible via the menu below is intended to serve as a guide on how to get the best results and value for money from Wellington Woodworks.
Please familiarise yourself with this page’s content then submit a brief or phone Alexander on 027 270 23 24.
Book a consultation at your home or workplace for $ 60 + GST or make an appointment at the workshop for $ 40 + GST.
Request an estimate to see whether there is any likely hood of satisfying your needs for a sensible sum. If this looks likely tasks can then be looked at in more detail with a view to generating a really good quote. In exceptional circumstances, where attempting to quote might be inappropriate, work may be outlined and “charge up” terms agreed upon.
Request a formal written quote be submitted for your consideration; to clarify exactly how your needs can be met for a fixed price. A quote is a working document until all aspects, details and terms are figured out between the parties then all sign their agreement to it and each retain a copy. Please note that if materials are to be sourced from another supplier these will be charged for at their cost price without the addition of any ‘mark up.’ An example of a quote, including the standard terms and conditions can be viewed here.
The labour content of a quote is pursuant to the preparation and skill required. For each day’s labour anticipated at the skill levels of Enthusiast, Understudy, Artisan or Teacher the sums of $180, 240, 360 and 480 respectively, are factored into a quote.
Arrangements can be made to pay a deposit, progress and completion payments over whatever time frame is necessary to suit an operational budget. Such requirements are commonly accommodated by writing a cash flow plan as one of the terms of a quote.
To Confirm an order simply notify the company that you wish to pay a deposit as confirmation of your acceptance of a quote. An invoice for the deposit will then be issued to you.
The Wellington Woodworking Co-operative is an example of how a communicative group can enjoy efficiently produced goods and services. Membership is for consumers and producers who are in the fortunate position of being able to plan ahead a little.
More information and a membership application form can be viewed and printed off here. For background information a Statement on Co-operative identity is available here. The paper leaflet ‘An unusual business – The Wellington Woodworking Co-operative’ can be requested by email here..
Providing a vacant space for materials storage, or productive activity, could be of real assistance. Donating timber or alerting us to materials or hardware that is becoming available will also have positive ripple effects. If you like our style, don’t need anything at the moment, yet want to support our efforts please consider joining the Wellington Woodworking Co-operative as a ‘silent’ member. Straightforward philanthropic gifts are welcome and put to good use.
Send a brief about your idea, desired timeframe and the level of involvement you anticipate having. If possible mention your thoughts about an appropriate budget, if not the processes described above will address this question. You can print a briefing form to work on
A brief might be as simple as “Have you got any dry kindling to trade for afternoon tea sometime next week?” or “I’m off overseas for a few months next year and am wondering what you might do at my place, with a budget of up to 30 K, whilst I’m away? Please try phoning me at home one evening, between 7 and 8 pm, to arrange an initial consultation.”